After a long spell with little rain in the spring, things are finally ticking along at the allotment! The sweetcorn are waist height, runner beans are catching up quickly and squashes are waiting for a hot spell before they kick into action (at least that's what I'm telling myself!). We have a good strawberry crop at home off the few plants we have here, but they have been a bit of a washout at the allotment, probably a combination of the clay soil and no rain so it was a dustbowl for parts of April and May :-(
We're getting a few peas although not enough to bring home: the kids and me tend to eat them straight off the plant - yum!
On the crochet front, I have been busy making socks! Having run out of space for woolly purchases I thought some stash busting would be appropriate and I've made a few pairs of baby socks for new arrivals among friends as well as adapting a lovely pattern I found for baby socks to fit older children. I will be putting some pics up on my new facebook page: Redclover crochet when I have finished sewing ends in and sifting through photos of our lovely holiday in Ceredigion.